Emanuel kipkoech eLearning Platform
Available courses

This course is for formularity with Current technology which are
- Introduction to computers
- Microsoft office Suite (Word, Excel, powerpoint, Access)
- Internet and Email
- Basic Graphic Desingn
- Introduction to programing
- Data security
- Online meeting Technology/Emerging trends
- And much more
- Teacher: Admin User

This course will be quite a long journey, but if you make it to the end, you will be able to read, understand, and of course, write JavaScript applications and programs. These new abilities may aid you in your current work, or allow you to reach new career opportunities in a steadily growing IT market. Let's start this adventure without any further ado, and let's find out what JavaScript is.
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to effectively using digital devices such as smart
phones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. It entails identifying and using digital devices such
as smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of communication, work
performance and management at the work place.
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to perform computer software installation work.
Installation activities includes identification of the software to be installed, actual installation
of the software, Software configuration software functionality test, software maintenance and
user training
- Teacher: Admin User
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to perform computer networking activities. It
involves identifying network types and components, connecting network devices, configuring
network components and workstations, networking testing, configuring Network types,
perform Network security, monitoring and maintaining
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to perform Website Design. It Involves gathering
data required, determining of website design tool, developing a dynamic functional website,
host website developed, perform routine website maintenance.
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to select, install and usage of manage operating system
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate digital literacy in a workingenvironment. It entails identifying computer software and hardware, applying securitymeasures to data, hardware, software, applying computer software in solving task sand applying internet and email in communication at workplace.
- Teacher: Emanuel Kipkoech
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to understand operating systems. It involves understanding fundamentals of operating systems, understanding process management, understanding memory management, understanding input-output management and understanding file management.
- Teacher: Admin User

This unit covers the competencies required to understand Computer Organisation and Architecture. It involves understanding principles of computer organisation and design, understanding central processing unit functions, understanding computer memory functions, understanding input-output functions and understanding computer arithmetic and logic.
- Teacher: Admin User